L’Emprunt de la Paix (1920)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Henri Lebasque's "L'Emprunt de la Paix" (The Loan of Peace) paints a vivid juxtaposition of two diverse worlds within one frame, elegantly capturing the dichotomy of peace and industry. Created in 1920, this work utilizes a soft yet detailed technique that is typical of Lebasque's Post-Impressionistic style.On the left side of the painting, a serene and tender scene unfolds with a woman nursing her infant under the watchful gaze of another young child, seated beneath a lush flowering bush. This intimate, peaceful vignette symbolizes nurturing and rebirth, fitting themes for the post-World War I context in which it was painted. The use of bright, soothing colors enchants the viewer, drawing them into this quiet moment of maternal bonds and childhood innocence.In stark contrast, the right section of the canvas vividly portrays the bustling energy of industrialization. Men labor to construct a building, indicative of reconstruction and the rebuilding of a society damaged by war. The background shows factories with smoking chimneys and even further labor in what appears to be a dock setting, suggesting the relentless pace of industrial progress. Here, the colors are darker and the atmosphere laden, reflecting the gritty reality of physical labor and urban growth."L'Emprunt de la Paix" not only reflects the literal reconstruction occurring in France after World War I but also metaphorically emphasizes the need to borrow from the peacefulness of family and nature to balance the harsh necessities of progress. Lebasque masterfully captures this moment in history, illustrating the delicate balance between nurturing peace and fostering growth.


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Henri Lebasque (25 September 1865 – 7 August 1937) was a French post-impressionist painter. He was born at Champigné (Maine-et-Loire). His work is represented in French museums, notably Angers, Geneva (Petit Palais), Lille (Musée des Beaux-Arts), Nantes, and Paris (Musée d’Orsay).