Péniches Au Bord De La Marne (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Henri Lebasque's painting "Péniches Au Bord De La Marne" from 1905 offers a delightful and serene depiction of life on the banks of the Marne River in France. This artwork, resplendent in its use of color and light, portrays a typical day with barges (péniches) gently floating on the calm waters of the river.The painting captures the gentle flow of the Marne, reflecting a sky painted with soft, fluffy clouds in a range of pastel hues that suggest the time of day might be either early morning or late afternoon. On either side of the river, the banks are adorned with quaint buildings whose reflections shimmer in the water, enhancing the overall dreamlike quality of the landscape.Lebasque’s brushwork is loose, contributing to a sense of movement and lightness. Small figures can be seen near the barges, suggesting the daily activities of riverside dwellers and workers. Rich greens, warm yellows, and hints of pink and orange on the buildings complete the composition, making it not only a snapshot of a location but also a conveyance of the serene mood characteristic of life by the river.


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Henri Lebasque (25 September 1865 – 7 August 1937) was a French post-impressionist painter. He was born at Champigné (Maine-et-Loire). His work is represented in French museums, notably Angers, Geneva (Petit Palais), Lille (Musée des Beaux-Arts), Nantes, and Paris (Musée d’Orsay).