La Fuente De Los Caballos, La Granja (The Horses Fountain, La Granja) ( 1907)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Joaquín Sorolla, a maestro of light and water, beautifully encapsulates the effervescence of a tranquil day in "La Fuente De Los Caballos, La Granja" (The Horses Fountain, La Granja), painted in 1907. This stunning masterpiece transports viewers to the regal surroundings of La Granja, a historic royal palace in Spain renowned for its exquisite gardens and decorative fountains.At first glance, the painting captivates with its play of light shimmering across the water's surface, creating a mesmerizing spectrum of reflections that dance in harmonious flux. Sorolla's skilled brushwork builds a dynamic interaction between light and shadow, with gentle ripples and soft waves painted in a myriad of greens, blues, and flecks of golden light. The central focus of the composition, the grand fountain, is embellished with ornate sculptures that convey both the artistic and historical significance of the setting.The substantial stone basin of the fountain, robust and tactile under the caress of sunlight, contrasts with the fluid, almost ethereal quality of the water. Upon it rests an intricate sculpture of horses, their dynamic forms and flowing manes adding a sense of vitality and movement to the serene tableau. The backdrop, a simple yet elegant wall, is adorned with delicate flowers, softening the architectural severity and adding a splash of natural color to the scene.Sorolla's extraordinary ability to capture the effects of natural light lends a breathtaking realism to "La Fuente De Los Caballos, La Granja".


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Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida was a Spanish painter. Sorolla excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of Spain and sunlit water.