Joaquín (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the evocative portrait titled "Joaquín" (1917), master Spanish painter Joaquín Sorolla captures the essence of youthful composure intertwined with an insightful depth of character. The painting portrays a young man, presumed to be his son, Joaquín Sorolla García, seated elegantly in a chair. His posture is relaxed yet confident, with one arm resting gracefully along the chair's armrest while his other hand delicately holds a pair of gloves, suggesting a moment either just arriving or about to depart.Sorolla’s use of light and color in this work subtly accentuates the contours of the young man's face and hands, creating lifelike textures in his skin and the fabric of his clothes. Dressed in a somber yet stylish green suit with a sharply contrasted black turtleneck, the sitter’s gaze is direct and penetrating, perhaps reflecting a contemplative or resolute mood.What is particularly striking about this painting is Sorolla’s ability to convey a tangible sense of personality and introspection through his brushwork and color choice. The muted background of soft white and gray tones ensures that the focus remains intently on the subject, enhancing the overall feeling of intimacy of the portrait."Joaquín" (1917) is not just a study of an individual’s appearance; it is an exploration of personal aura and dignity. This painting remains a testament to Sorolla’s skill in capturing the soul of his subjects, making it not only a piece of art but a piece of history reflecting the personal connection between artist and sitter.


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Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida was a Spanish painter. Sorolla excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of Spain and sunlit water.