Yerres. De L’Exèdre, Le Porche De La Demeure Familiale (circa 1875)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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De L’Exèdre, Le Porche De La Demeure Familiale" by Gustave CaillebotteGustave Caillebotte's painting "Yerres. De L’Exèdre, Le Porche De La Demeure Familiale" beautifully encapsulates the tranquil elegance of 19th-century suburban French life. Created circa 1875, this artwork offers a glimpse into the serene setting of the artist's family estate in Yerres, a small town just outside Paris.In this painting, Caillebotte employs his mastery of light and shadow to animate the canvas with a vivid, almost tangible sense of sunshine and summer warmth. The composition invites the viewer into a lush, verdant landscape marked by a grand archway that leads to a sunlit courtyard. Just beyond the arch, delicate shadows play across the facade of the family home, suggesting the cool respite it offers from the summer heat.The left side of the canvas is dominated by a dense canopy of green leaves, under which blooms an abundance of white flowers, possibly jasmine or dogwood, adding a sense of depth and contrast to the scene. The foreground is adorned with vibrant red flowers, providing a pop of color against the predominantly green and cream hues. A solitary, small dog, positioned in the center of the pathway, gazes out towards the viewer, adding life and a hint of companionship to the tranquil scene."Yerres. De L’Exèdre, Le Porche De La Demeure Familiale" not only showcases Caillebotte’s talent in depicting light and architectural detail but also reflects his deep appreciation for the natural beauty and peacefulness of his family's estate.


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Gustave Caillebotte (1848–1894) was a French painter who combined impressionist and academic styles in his artworks. Despite the fact that he is considered a great impressionist artist today, his posthumous reputation was not as significant. Most of his paintings were kept by his family and not exhibited nor reproduced until the late 20th century. His artworks depict scenes from Parisian streets, modern urban environments, as well as rural country scenes and flowers.