Self Portrait (1895)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the striking self-portrait crafted in 1895, the renowned French artist William Bouguereau presents himself with an undeniable sense of authority and introspection. This painting, a magnificent display of Bouguereau’s meticulous skill, showcases not just his physical appearance but also his persona and professional mastery as an artist.Set against a modest, dark background that cleverly shifts all focus onto the artist, Bouguereau depicts himself holding the traditional tools of his trade: a palette brimming with colors, poised paintbrushes, and a mahlstick. His attire—a formal dark jacket and a smart vest—hints at the respectability and the standard of his social standing during that era.With a solemn, assured gaze directed outward, Bouguereau challenges the viewer to understand the man behind the brush. The robust composition and the vivid realism of his face—highlighted by the silver of his full beard and the perceptive eyes—make this painting not only a personal exploration but also an engaging dialogue with the audience. His restrained yet powerful expression speaks of a life devoted to art, marked by both its challenges and triumphs.This self-portrait not only encapsulates William Bouguereau's identity as one of the 19th century's most influential artists but also reflects the timeless nature of self-expression through art.


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William-Adolphe Bouguereau was a French academic painter. In paintings of the realistic genre, he used mythological themes, modern interpretation of classical themes, emphasizing the female human body. During his lifetime, he achieved great popularity in France and the United States, was awarded many official honors, and sold his works for top prices. In the early twentieth century, Bouguereau and his art disappeared from the public eye, partly due to its changing artistic tastes. A resurgence of interest in figurative painting in the 1980s led to a rediscovery of Bouguereau and his work. He completed 822 known paintings, but the whereabouts of many are still unknown.