The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting beautifully captures the serene and intimate family moment of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child, with the young Saint John the Baptist also joining in their divine communion. The artist has skillfully depicted the Virgin Mary in a radiant red and blue robe, suggesting her deep spiritual and human roles, as she tenderly holds the infant Jesus in her lap. Her gaze conveys a sense of calm and protective love.Beside her stands Saint Joseph, observing the scene with a gentle, paternal affection, his face expressing wisdom and serenity. He leans on a stone barrier, connecting the domestic scene with the world outside, as hinted by the landscape visible in the background.On the left side of the painting, the young Saint John the Baptist is depicted as a dynamic child, already interacting with nature. He offers a bounty of fruit to the infant Jesus, symbolizing the offerings of Earth. Accompanying him is a small, playful shepherd dog, adding a touch of innocent joy and life to the composition.The setting includes classical architecture draped with a rich, red curtain, suggesting a regal or sacred space. On the floor, a flute rests beside a woven basket, perhaps pointing to the pastoral and musical traditions associated with Saint John the Baptist.


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