Soirée (1877)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edgar Degas, a profound connoisseur of human posture and interaction, presents a compelling scene of social elegance in his 1877 sketch titled "Soirée." This detailed graphite sketch portrays a sophisticated gathering of figures, which reflects Degas' intimate inspection of 19th-century Parisian life.In "Soirée," the composition is defined by the delicate yet decisive strokes capturing the figures in various poses of engagement. On the left, we see a man seated, possibly playing a piano, his back turned to us, enveloping the viewer immediately into the scene as an unseen observer. Next to him, a standing man in formal attire gestures animatedly towards a woman seated across, holding a fan, epitomizing the era's social norms of flirtation and conversation.The central figure of the woman is particularly striking; she is adorned in a voluminous gown that sweeps gracefully across the sketch, suggesting both movement and style. Her interaction with the man, likely engaging in a lighthearted yet refined dialogue, is the focal point of this interaction.On the far right, another man, standing in profile, appears deep in thought or perhaps waiting for a moment to join the conversation, adding a layer of narrative intrigue about his role in this social gathering.Degas' masterful use of sketching lends a sense of immediacy and intimacy, inviting the viewer to speculate about the moments leading up to and following this captured instant of genteel sociability. The sketch not only serves as a visual record of fashion and social demeanor of the time but also showcases Degas' enduring fascination with the dynamics of group interactions and the subtleties of body language.


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Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers.