Either It Is Good Or Nothing At All

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Either It Is Good Or Nothing At All" by Daiva Staškevičienė captures a deeply evocative and enigmatic scene that seems to blend elements of reality with whimsical and surreal touches. The painting features a somber, almost monastic figure who commands central attention. This character, portrayed with a pale, introspective face, is adorned in a richly textured garment that appears both historical and fantastical. The attire, a rust-toned robe with intricate embossed patterns and embedded objects, hints at a narrative steeped in symbolism.Surrounding the figure's head is a large, peculiar headdress shaped somewhat like a hood with extensions that hold various objects including eggs and spherical forms, suggesting themes of birth, potential, or fragility. This headgear, combined with the solemn demeanor of the character, gives her a saint-like aura, yet one not confined to any conventional religious iconography.In her outstretched left hand, the figure delicately balances a small, fantastical creature that resembles a hybrid between a fish and a bird, incorporating features like wings and a tail fin. This creature too carries an egg, further emphasizing the themes of new beginnings or creation.


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