Café table with absinth (1887)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Vincent Van Gogh, titled "Café Table with Absinth," vividly captures the ambiance of a 19th-century café scene, emphasizing a sense of solitude or contemplation. The artwork features a close-up view of a table upon which a glass of absinth and a water carafe are centrally placed. The glass of absinth, tinged with a pale yellow-green hue, possibly interacts texturally and visually with the light, creating a glowing effect that draws the viewer’s eye straight to it.Behind the glass and carafe, the café interior is reflected in a large mirror, extending the space visually and infusing the scene with a dream-like quality. The reflections and slightly blurred figures in the background suggest movement and life happening just beyond the immediate focus of the table, inferring the presence of other patrons without showing them directly.Van Gogh's use of light and texture in this painting is notable. The surfaces, illuminated subtly, showcase his characteristic brush strokes, which convey both the materiality of the glass and water, as well as the reflective sheen of the café’s wooden surfaces and mirrors.


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