Roses (1890)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

This painting by Vincent van Gogh, titled "Roses" from 1890, showcases a lush bouquet of blooming white roses set against a textured, vibrant green background. The roses are depicted in varying stages of bloom, from tightly closed buds to fully opened blossoms, adding a sense of depth and vitality to the composition. Van Gogh's distinctive brushwork is evident in the thick, expressive strokes that define the petals and leaves, infusing the scene with a dynamic sense of movement.The bouquet is arranged in a simple, rustic vase, allowing the natural beauty of the roses to stand out. The choice of a monochromatic scheme for the flowers, set against the contrasting green, highlights their purity and delicacy. This use of color can be seen as rendering the roses almost ethereal. His technique in using color and texture helps to evoke an emotional response, pulling the viewer into a direct encounter with nature’s transient beauty. This work encapsulates a moment of serene exuberance, mirroring perhaps a peaceful interlude in Van Gogh’s tumultuous life.


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