Madame Roulin Rocking the Cradle (La berceuse) (1889)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Madame Roulin Rocking the Cradle (La Berceuse)" by Vincent van Gogh, painted in 1889, depicts Augustine Roulin, the wife of a postman with whom Van Gogh was acquainted during his time in Arles, France. The painting is notable for its profound expressiveness and bold use of color, characteristic of Van Gogh’s post-impressionistic style.In the portrait, Augustine Roulin is shown seated, occupying a substantial portion of the canvas. Her physical presence is solid and robust, portraying a sense of stalwart perseverance. She is dressed in traditional attire of the period, a dark green dress with a buttoned bodice, and her hair is pulled back tightly, revealing a stern and contemplative face that reflects a mix of fatigue and resolve.One of her hands rests gently on the handle of a cradle, subtly implying motion though the cradle itself is not visible. This action, along with her title "La Berceuse" which translates to "The Lullaby" or "She who rocks the cradle," emphasizes her role as a nurturer and caretaker.


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