Aoi Plant, Cherry Blossoms, Drum And Eboshi Hat Representing The "Aoi" Chapter Of The Story Of Genji

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Ryūryūkyo Shinsai is a delicate and richly symbolic artwork that reflects elements from the "Aoi" chapter of "The Tale of Genji," a classic work of Japanese literature. The composition features several key elements related directly to the theme and title of the painting:1. **Aoi Plant**: The Aoi plant, which is a heart-shaped leafed plant seen in the bottom part of the image, has a particularly significant meaning in the narrative of "The Tale of Genji," as it symbolizes endurance and loyalty, characteristics embodied by the "Aoi" chapter.2. **Cherry Blossoms**: The cherry blossoms, depicted above the drum, are a classic symbol of transient beauty and ephemerality in Japanese culture. Their inclusion in this painting recalls the fleeting nature of life and love, themes that are central to the narrative of Genji.3. **Drum**: The drum shown prominently in the center is adorned with detailed patterns and rests on a decorated stand. In historical and literary contexts, drums often signified communication and ritual, and in this visual context, it might symbolize the role of performance or ceremony in the depicted chapter.4. **Eboshi Hat**: To the left of the drum, slightly obscured and possibly seen as a black silhouette against the drum, a traditional hat known as an 'eboshi' is recognizable.


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Collection of woodblock prints and illustrations from 18th century Japanese master Ryūryūkyo Shinsai (1750 - 1835). Shinsai, one of the most celebrated artists from the Edo period, is known for his masterful use of color and composition in his surimono woodblock prints. He depicted the daily lives of common people and the red-light district of Edo (modern-day Tokyo). He was one of the most celebrated surimono artists of his time and was a student of famed Japanese master Katsushika Hokusai.