New Year Decorations And Tablewares

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Ryūryūkyo Shinsai, titled "New Year Decorations And Tablewares," beautifully captures elements symbolic of traditional Japanese New Year celebrations. The picture depicts a serene and meticulously arranged setting that includes a variety of items each carrying significant cultural meanings relevant to the New Year.First, you can see a large kettle on a hearth with a rabbit design, probably signifying a wish for longevity and good luck, as rabbits are often associated with cleverness and self-protection in Japanese folklore. Next to the kettle is a beautifully decorated red and black lacquered container, possibly used for storing sake or rice, which are central to New Year festivities.In the background, on a raised wooden stand, there’s a display of pine (matsu), bamboo (take), and plum blossoms (ume), which together make up the traditional New Year decoration known as 'kadomatsu'. These are placed at the entrance to homes to welcome ancestral spirits or gods of harvest and to bring good fortune.The inclusion of sprigs of pine represents longevity, bamboo symbolizes strength and prosperity, and the plum blossoms herald the arrival of spring and symbolize perseverance and renewal.


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Collection of woodblock prints and illustrations from 18th century Japanese master Ryūryūkyo Shinsai (1750 - 1835). Shinsai, one of the most celebrated artists from the Edo period, is known for his masterful use of color and composition in his surimono woodblock prints. He depicted the daily lives of common people and the red-light district of Edo (modern-day Tokyo). He was one of the most celebrated surimono artists of his time and was a student of famed Japanese master Katsushika Hokusai.