Souvenir Paintings From Ōtsu, Stocked In Edo

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Kitagawa Utamaro, titled "Souvenir Paintings From Ōtsu, Stocked In Edo," presents a striking and colorful depiction of traditional Japanese figures in a vivid scene. The artwork features two main characters: a man and a woman.The man, on the left side, appears somewhat exaggerated with bold, dramatic facial expressions and a muscular physique, which is typical of characters in kabuki theater, likely representing a warrior or a strongman. His stance and costume, adorned with simple yet pronounced black and yellow patterns, convey both dynamism and a hint of theatricality.On the right, the woman is portrayed with more subdued elegance and grace. She is dressed in a traditional kimono with delicate patterns that suggest refinement and a higher social status. In her hand, she gently holds a bird, likely a falcon, indicating her aristocratic status, as falconry was a revered sport among the nobility.Between these two figures is a fluttering banner, adding a sense of motion and perhaps symbolic significance to the scene.


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During the Edo period in Japan, Kitagawa Utamaro (1753–1806) was the most famous creator of Ukiyo-e woodblock prints and paintings. Kitagawa was famous for painting beautiful Japanese women and illustrations of nature, birds being his favorite subject. His artworks also influenced European Impressionists in the mid-nineteenth century.