Meadow Sweet From The Flower Book

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This artwork titled "Meadow Sweet" from "The Flower Book" by Edward Burne-Jones captures a beautifully dreamlike scene within a circular frame. The piece depicts three figures, presumably two women and a man, lounging languidly by a riverbank with one of the women seemingly in a reclining position while talking or resting. Each figure is attired in flowing robes, adding a sense of serenity and timelessness to the depiction.In the background, a large, moored boat occupies a significant portion of the scene. The sailing vessel appears sturdy and aged, with a strikingly dark hull contrasting sharply against the brighter surroundings. A feature that stands out is the splash of blue on the sails and the hull, suggesting either a reflection of the sky or some ornamental color detail.The surrounding environment is lush and vibrantly depicted, with verdant foliage and the shimmering water of the river adding to the tranquility of the setting. The light appears to be filtering through the trees, casting dynamic patterns on the characters and the ground. The overall color palette consists of soft, natural hues which enhance the idyllic and almost mythical quality of the scene.Edward Burne-Jones's typical influence from the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood is evident here in the romanticism of the subject matter, the meticulous attention to the naturalistic details, and the use of bright, clear colors.


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Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898) was a British designer and Victorian narrative painter. He was born in Birmingham to a picture-framer. He intended to become a minister and studied theology at Oxford. However, his life took a turn when he met William Morris. Together they formed The Brotherhood, a society worshipping the poets and architecture of the middle ages. They both worked together on several projects for Morris & Co. Burne-Jones designed tapestries, jewellery, sculptures, ceramics, furniture and stained glass for the company. His artworks truly captured the spirit of the nineteenth century and the Arts and Crafts movement. In recent decades his art has had a renaissance and become among the most expensive pre-raphaelite artworks to be sold at auction.