Counted Out, Second Stone

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Counted Out, Second Stone" by George Bellows is a striking lithograph that captures a dramatic moment in a boxing match. The scene is tense and charged with emotion, vividly portraying the action and exhaustion inherent in the sport.In the center of the depiction, a boxer lies defeated on the canvas floor, his body sprawled and relaxed in unconsciousness, suggesting the intensity of the fight. Above him, the referee stands with his arm raised, signaling the end of the match by counting out the fallen fighter. The referee's position and gestures emphasis the finality of the moment.To the right, another boxer leans over the ropes, his face marked by fatigue and perhaps relief, as he watches the referee’s count. This fighter, standing but visibly worn, contrasts with the collapsed boxer, highlighting the brutal nature of the match.The audience, though present in shadows in the background, adds a layer of depth to the scene, their faces blurred and focusing intently on the outcome of the fight. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation and reaction to the decisive moment.Bellows’ mastery in capturing the emotion, movement, and atmosphere of the boxing ring is evident in this artwork, reflecting both the physical and psychological intensity of the sport. His use of dynamic shading and detailed character expressions intensifies the impact of the scene, making it a powerful representation of athletic contest and human endurance.


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George Bellows (1882-1925) was one of America’s greatest artists when he died at the young age of 42. Rooted in realism with focus on social, political and cultural issues, his powerful drawings and paintings depicted boxing matches, and the gritty life of the New York working class. The violent atmosphere of his drawings was a great contrast to his lithographs of seascapes, nudes and portraits with modernism influences.