Residence Of French Merchant At Port Of Yokohama

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This colorful painting by Utagawa Yoshikazu, titled "Residence of French Merchant at Port of Yokohama," provides a fascinating insight into the interaction of Eastern and Western cultures in 19th-century Japan. The artwork depicts a grand building, likely inspired by Western architectural styles, which stands as a symbol of the foreign presence in Yokohama during this period.The structure’s design features elements typical of Western architecture, such as symmetrical windows, a large central pediment, and a robust use of stone and masonry. Despite its foreign design, the building is set against a backdrop that includes a traditional Japanese pine tree, subtly intertwining elements from both cultures.In the foreground, the painting shows a group of Western figures, dressed in the fashion of the time. The women are depicted in voluminous skirts and bonnets, while the men wear long coats and top hats, clearly distinguishing them from the traditional Japanese attire of the period. They are portrayed in leisurely poses, suggesting a scene of social interaction and casual promenade, which is further emphasized by the presence of a child and what appears to be a small dog.This scene not only depicts the architectural and fashion contrasts but also underscores the social and cultural exchanges that were occurring in Yokohama, a port city that was one of the first gateways for Western influences into Japan.


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Utagawa Yoshikazu (CA. 1850–1870) was one of the great Japanese painters of the Edo period. Through his Ukiyo-e style, he brilliantly depicted the Japanese middle-class story, as well as the Western foreigners who came to live and work in Japan during the same period.