Branch With Two Flowers

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting depicts a delicate, slender-stemmed plant bearing two vibrant flowers, each distinctly colored yet harmoniously aligned. On the stem, one flower blooms brightly in shades of crimson, gracefully folded and slightly wilting, suggesting a soft texture and fragile appearance. Directly beneath, another flower showcases a deep, vivid blue with hints of lighter shades near the petals' edges, closely encasing a prominent yellow center, adding a contrasting pop of color. The petals are wide and curved, suggesting a fresh bloom.


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Michiel van Huysum was born in Amsterdam.
He was born in a artistic family of artists. Michiel is known for his Arcadian landscapes, watercolours of fruit and flowers.
He died at age of 74 in Amsterdam.
He was the youngest son of painter Justus van Huysum (I); and brother of Jan van Huysum and uncle of Francina Margaretha van Huysum