Moonlight, Strandgade 30 (1900–1906)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Discover the exquisite tranquility and enigmatic tone of Vilhelm Hammershøi's "Moonlight, Strandgade 30," a masterful exploration of light and shadow that encapsulates the essence of nocturnal stillness. Painted between 1900 and 1906, this artwork mesmerizes with its understated elegance and atmospheric depth.The painting features a sparsely furnished room seen in a muted palette. A large window bathed in the gentle luminescence of moonlight occupies the center of the composition, casting geometric patches of light across the dark wooden floor. To the right, a closed door echoes the rectilinear forms, enhancing the room's quiet symmetry. The walls, adorned with subtle panels, envelop the space in a soft, diffusive glow, evoking a sense of calm isolation.Hammershøi's meticulous attention to the interplay of light and texture invites viewers to contemplate the serene and introspective mood. The absence of human presence turns the ordinary setting into a vessel of mystery and introspection, encouraging a deeper engagement with the elements of silence and time captured within these dimly lit interior confines.This painting is not just a visual experience; it is an invitation to dwell in the silent echoes of an enigmatic space, tempested by the soft, ethereal light of the moon.


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Vilhelm Hammershøi, often spelled Vilhelm Hammershoi in English, was a Danish painter. He is known for his poetic, subdued portraits and interiors.

Vilhelm Hammershøi was born in 1864. Copenhagen, Denmark. The son of a wealthy merchant Christian Hammershøi and his wife Frederikke (née Rentzmann), Hammershøi studied drawing from the age of eight with Niels Christian Kierkegaard and Holger Grønvold, as well as painting with Vilhelm Kyhn.