Reddish Chokeberry

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Reddish Chokeberry" by Onutė Juškienė masterfully captures the vibrant and striking essence of a chokeberry bush in full autumnal glory. The painting portrays a dense cluster of chokeberry plants, bursting with rich hues of red, orange, and yellow. These colors are vividly depicted, suggesting the fiery palette of fall.The artist uses thick, expressive brushstrokes, contributing to a dynamic and textured surface that seems almost tangible. This technique enhances the organic feel of the foliage and berries, which are scattered densely throughout the painting. Dark clusters of berries punctuate the colorful leaves, adding contrast and depth to the composition.The background is washed out with softer tones of blue and white, which subtly suggests a sky or distant foliage, providing a serene backdrop that allows the vibrant reds and oranges of the chokeberry bushes to stand out even more prominently.The ground is depicted with darker, earthy tones and strokes of green and yellow, suggesting fallen leaves or grass, which anchors the bushes in a natural setting and adds a sense of completeness to the scene.Overall, this artwork by Onutė Juškienė is a celebration of color and nature’s transient beauty, skillfully conveying the lushness and vibrancy of an autumnal setting through the captivating subject of chokeberry bushes.


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Onutė is a recognized Lithuanian artist whose original paintings draw attention instantly. 

Her art reality is a fusion of rather detailed realistic exploration and a fairy-tale realm. Both of them demand a thorough mastery of lines composing tiny, fragile elements. 

Onutė will lead you to a child's world of wonder where the real and the imagined both serve as a source of miraculous surprise and amazement.

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