From a Cycle "Stories of the Mill" - "A Dish"

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the center of the painting, an aged ceramic bowl sits on a textured, wooden surface that shows signs of wear and age. Inside the bowl, a pile of thistle seeds fills the base, scattered unevenly. Resting on the rim of the bowl is a traditional wooden kitchen tool, possibly a spoon or spatula, its handle worn smooth from use. The tool's bowl part is submerged into the seeds, suggesting a moment caught in an everyday routine, possibly of sifting or sorting seeds. The color palette of the painting is dominated by warm, earthy tones of browns and tans, with the light subtly highlighting the textures of the wood and the rough ceramic, adding a tangible sense of ruggedness and rustic charm to the scene.


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Onutė is a recognized Lithuanian artist whose original paintings draw attention instantly. 

Her art reality is a fusion of rather detailed realistic exploration and a fairy-tale realm. Both of them demand a thorough mastery of lines composing tiny, fragile elements. 

Onutė will lead you to a child's world of wonder where the real and the imagined both serve as a source of miraculous surprise and amazement.

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Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
