Still Life with a Spaniel Chasing Ducks (1719)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Still Life with a Spaniel Chasing Ducks" is an enthralling painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry, completed in 1719. At the center of this composition, we see a spaniel in motion, dynamically depicted as it chases after birds, adding a vivid sense of immediacy to the scene. The painting is rich in its portrayal of nature and wildlife, featuring a striking collection of animals including ducks, both alive and deceased, alongside fish and a prominently displayed boar’s head, rendering a traditional hunting tableau with exquisite skill.Oudry’s mastery in rendering textures is evident in the fine details of feathers, fur, and foliage, and in the life-like appearance of the water and sky. His use of light accentuates the natural beauty and drama, guiding the viewer's eye across the various forms of life captured at this moment. The lush greens of the plants contrast with the more subdued tones of the background, highlighting the foreground and its frenetic activity.This striking depiction not only demonstrates Oudry’s talents in still life but also tells a captivating narrative of nature’s vitality and the raw, often overlooked, interactions within it.


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Jean-Baptiste Oudry was a French Rococo painter, engraver, and tapestry designer. He is particularly well known for his naturalistic pictures of animals and his hunt pieces depicting game.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
