Forms of Architecture

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Forms of Architecture" by Kęstutis Jauniškis provides a semi-abstract and somewhat ethereal depiction of architectural forms and urban landscape. The composition primarily focuses on the juxtaposition of differently sized and shaped structures, showcasing a variety of buildings that appear both geometric and organic in form.The color palette is predominantly soft and muted with shades of blue, yellow, and rusty orange, which add a dreamlike quality to the scene. On the right, there is a large golden-yellow wall that dominates a portion of the painting, detailed with aged textures and minimalistic window-like openings, suggesting a sense of worn grandeur and isolation. To the left and foreground, more straightforward geometric shapes in blue and cream represent other buildings, possibly rooftops or facades, contributing to the layered, dimensional feel of a congested cityscape.Moreover, an interesting feature of this painting is the use of white space and abstract elements. In the center top section, there is a cloud-like texture filled with numerous specks which could interpret a flock of birds, heavy snowfall, or just an abstract pattern, leaving it open to the viewer's interpretation. This adds a dynamic movement and contrasts sharply with the solidity of the architectural forms.Overall, the painting evokes a serene yet complex impression of architectural diversity and urban congestion, rendered through a unique blend of reality and abstraction.


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Kęstutis Jauniškis was born in Lithuania in 1961. He studied economy at Vilnius University and graduated in 1985 with a degree in MA. While studying economy, the artist also attended the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 1986. As an artist, Kestutis Jauniskis is interested in architectural forms and colour, and their relationship with their surroundings. In his paintings, reality is sometimes mixed with fantasy, which infuses a poetic touch into this rational world. It is in these scenes that Kestutis Jauniskis finds the shapes, colours, light and sky that evoke an emotional response in him, making him want to record them. The abstraction of his painting best represents the depth of feeling he has when viewing this real world that surrounds us, finding beauty in what others may consider ugly or mundane. At the same time, the artist likes to experiment with new abstract forms and objects. His work has been exhibited in Finland and Lithuania. He has participated in a group exhibition titled 'The Modern Lithuanian Art' at the Museum of Modern Art in Valencia, Spain.

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Giclée quality print

60x60 cm
