
Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the image, a stylized, abstract human face is depicted using black lines on a white background. The face appears fragmented, with disjointed and overlapping facial features that suggest a theme of deformation or distortion. One eye is shown prominently, while the other eye looks starkly different, partially obscured and altered. Sections of the face, including the cheek and forehead, are portrayed with separate, irregular shapes that verge on the surreal. Facial features such as the nose and lips are dislocated, contributing to an overall feeling of asymmetry and dislocation. A hand is visible near the face, also drawn with disjointed, disjointed fingers, enhancing the sense of surreal and distorted reality.


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My painting journey began in 2017, shortly after the art studies. Over time, my painting transformed from emotionally expressive portraits to surrealistic, symbolistic and psychedelic artworks. 

In the beginning, painting played a more self-therapeutic role, while today it is most inspired by the intellectual and emotional experience of other artists (Edvard Munch, David Hockney, Nicolas Party, Maxim Fomenko, Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis), being in nature, visiting exhibitions, and working in  art gallery.

In my work, I seek to convey a different, transformed, enhanced world, existing between dream and reality. I am not interested in rational reality, in life I also strive to experience the daily life transcendently, to notice ordinary things from a different point of view. The bright coloring common in the canvases is a part of the intuitive creative process and reflects the intensification of sensory and visual experience when being in nature.

Since 2018, I have participated in over 13 solo and group exhibitions. My works belong to private collectors from Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway and Chile.