Schokko With Wide-Brimmed Hat (1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Schokko With Wide-Brimmed Hat" by Alexej von Jawlensky, created in 1910, is an evocative portrait that encapsulates the artist's exploration of emotional depth through vibrant color and expressive form. The painting features a mysterious figure, known only by the moniker 'Schokko,' clad in a red dress with a striking, wide-brimmed hat adorned with bright flowers. The backdrop is a vivid, almost monochromatic red, which contrasts sharply with the turmoil of colors within the hat and the muted tones of the subject's face.Jawlensky's use of thick, visible brushstrokes adds a textural dimension to the work, emphasizing the emotional intent behind each swipe of color. The subject's face, portrayed with minimal detail and somber greenish tones, resonates with an introspective melancholy that starkly contrasts the festive nature of the hat. This juxtaposition invites viewers to ponder the inner thoughts and feelings of the enigmatic Schokko, whose gaze slightly aside, avoids direct interaction with the observer, adding to the painting’s mystique.This masterpiece is a quintessential example of Jawlensky's contribution to Expressionism, where color and form transcend mere representation and venture into the realm of the artist's personal expression of feeling.


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Alexej Georgewitsch von Jawlensky (13 March 1864 – 15 March 1941) was a Russian expressionist painter active in Germany. He was a key member of the New Munich Artist's Association (Neue Künstlervereinigung München), Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and later the Die Blaue Vier (The Blue Four).