Yes or No Date (1893)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Titled "Yes or No Date" and crafted by the distinguished artist John William Godward in 1893, this extraordinary painting exemplifies the meticulous attention to detail and the vivid portrayal of classical themes that Godward is celebrated for. Set within a serene and beautifully structured Roman setting, the piece features two figures in an intimate moment, encapsulating the tension and emotiveness of romantic expression.The painting draws us into a narrative moment between a young man and woman. The man, dressed in a simple, draped garment indicative of Roman fashion, leans earnestly towards the woman, represented with an enquiring gaze that commands the scene. His posture and expression suggest a moment of earnest persuasion or inquiry. Conversely, the young woman, adorned in a flowing gown with classical grace, appears contemplative and slightly withdrawn, her gaze directed downwards in a manner that evokes a sense of inner conflict or reluctance.The setting—a carefully detailed architectural space with marble and floral adornments—adds a layer of opulence to the scene. A glimpse of a lush landscape in the background further enhances the idyllic and tranquil atmosphere, typical of Godward’s works. The skillful use of light softens the scene, lending an almost ethereal quality to the figures and their surroundings."Yes or No Date" stands as a testament to Godward’s mastery in capturing the subtleties of human emotions and interactions, framed within the romanticized beauty of the ancient world.


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John William Godward was an English painter from the end of the Neo-Classicist era. He was a protégé of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, but his style of painting fell out of favor with the rise of modern art.

Godward was born in 1861 and lived in Wilton Grove, Wimbledon. He was born to Sarah Eboral and John Godward (an investment clerk at the Law Life Assurance Society, London).