Rendez-Vous (1903)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Rendez-Vous," painted by the renowned British artist John William Godward in 1903, is a stunning exemplar of the Neoclassical style celebrated for its tranquility and meticulous attention to detail. The painting features a poised and elegant young woman standing confidently against a backdrop of a serene and idyllic landscape. She is draped in a luxuriously rich red and purple robe, suggesting the fashion of ancient Rome or Greece, which enhances her grace and classical beauty.Her attire is embellished with intricate details, such as the delicate clasps that hold her robe together and the exquisite peacock feather fan she holds gently in her hand, adding an exotic touch to her ensemble. The peacock feather, with its vivid colors and eye-catching patterns, complements the woman's striking appearance and may symbolize nobility, beauty, and immortality, themes often revisited in Godward's works.The composition is framed by a marble parapet and set against a tranquil seascape, with olive trees subtly swaying in the distance under a soft blue sky. The calmness of the sea and the clear horizon line contribute to the overall feeling of peaceful contemplation and timeless elegance that emanates from the painting."Rendez-Vous" is more than a mere depiction of classical beauty; it is a thoughtful portrayal of an introspective moment, inviting viewers to ponder the subject's contemplative gaze. Through his masterful use of color, texture, and form, Godward not only captures the physical allure of his subject but also conveys a deeper sense of her inner grace and poise.


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John William Godward was an English painter from the end of the Neo-Classicist era. He was a protégé of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, but his style of painting fell out of favor with the rise of modern art.

Godward was born in 1861 and lived in Wilton Grove, Wimbledon. He was born to Sarah Eboral and John Godward (an investment clerk at the Law Life Assurance Society, London).