Mademoiselle De Fitz-James

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting titled "Mademoiselle De Fitz-James" by Henri Fantin-Latour features a portrait of a young woman. Dated 1867, the artist captures her with a quiet, contemplative expression. The woman's gaze, slightly off-center, suggests a moment of introspection or a gentle engagement with something beyond the viewer's perspective.Fantin-Latour's technique is evident in the delicate rendering of her facial features and soft skin tones that glow warmly against the dark background. The subtle redness on her cheeks and the light catching in her eyes bring life to her visage. Her hairstyle, with curls loosely framing her face, adds to her gentle demeanor.Her attire is elegant and suggestive of her social status. She wears an off-shoulder dress in a soft cream hue, with delicate, translucent sleeves that are detailed with pink ribbons and lace, hinting at Victorian fashions. Notably, she wears a choker-style necklace with a purple ribbon and an ornamental gold medallion that serves as a focal point at her throat, emphasizing her refined grace.Overall, Fantin-Latour's portrait communicates a sense of youthful elegance and a poised, serene character, captured through masterful use of texture and light to convey both the physical and psychological presence of Mademoiselle De Fitz-James.


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Flowers and fruit still life paintings by Henri Fantin-Latou (1836-1904), French painter, illustrator and lithographer. Formally trained at Lecoq de Boisbaudran, he also learned portrait painting by his famous father. He was known for his group compositions of contemporary celebrities in the arts, yet his flower paintings were the most lucrative and particularly appreciated in England.