Pariserin (1919)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: Pariserin (1919)Artist: Brynolf Wennerberg"Pariserin" — a charming portrait by Swedish artist Brynolf Wennerberg, vividly captures the essence of Parisian flair and fashion from the early 20th century. Painted in 1919, this artwork delves into the sophisticated and alluring atmosphere of post-war Paris through the depiction of a stylish woman.The woman, likely a Parisian, is portrayed with an air of confident elegance. Her wavy, light blonde hair, adorned with a dark blue hat, is a striking contrast against the soft, abstract background. The hat, perched jauntily atop her head, adds a touch of vibrant color that echoes the youthful and fashionable spirit of Paris. The subject’s gaze is direct and slightly enigmatic, with red lips that provide a splash of bold color, intensifying her expression.Wennerberg's brushwork is loose and energetic, utilizing a palette of muted grays, blues, and blushes that convey a sense of liveliness and motion. The textured strokes highlight the intricate details of the woman's attire, particularly the embellishments on her garment that shimmer subtly, suggesting a sense of depth and complexity.This portrait not only showcases Wennerberg's skillful depiction of contemporary fashion but also embodies the spirit of liberation and joy that marked the era. "Pariserin" invites viewers to reflect on the evocative allure of Parisian culture and style, making it a captivating representation of its time. Such a piece serves as a beautiful reminder of the timeless fashion and the enduring charm of Parisian identity.


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Gunnaras Brynolfas Wennerbergas (1866 m. rugpjūčio 12 d. - 1950 m. kovo 13 d.) buvo švedų-vokiečių dailininkas ir grafikos dizaineris.