Seated Woman (1603–1608)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


**Explore a Moment Captured in Time: "Seated Woman" by Roelant Savery**Discover the elegance of simplicity in Roelant Savery's exquisite sketch, "Seated Woman," created between 1603 and 1608. This artwork showcases Savery's mastery in capturing the subtle poise and quiet contemplation of a seated female figure. The woman, depicted in profile, is enveloped in layers of flowing garments, which envelop her form with soft, sweeping lines that evoke a sense of gentle motion.The artist’s use of delicate and assured pen strokes brings this figure to life, emphasizing the textures and folds of her attire. Notably, her head is adorned with a tightly fitted bonnet, which frames her contemplative face, turned away from the viewer, adding an air of mystery and introspection.This drawing not only highlights Savery's skill in figure drawing but also serves as a fascinating glimpse into the clothing and styles of the early 17th century. The meticulous details and the positioning of the figure suggest a moment of rest or perhaps deep thought, inviting viewers to ponder the story behind the woman's serene demeanor."Seated Woman" remains a testament to the enduring power of minimalist art to convey profound narratives and emotions through the simplest of scenes and strokes. Visit our collection to experience this timeless piece and immerse yourself in the world of Roelant Savery.


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Roelant Savery (arba Roeland(t) Maertensz Saverij, arba de Savery, arba daugelis variantų) buvo Flandrijoje gimęs olandų aukso amžiaus tapytojas.

Savery gimė Kortrijke. Kaip ir daugelis kitų menininkų, jis priklausė anabaptistų šeimai, kuri pabėgo į šiaurę iš ispanų okupuotų Pietų Nyderlandų, kai Roelantui buvo maždaug 4 metai, ir apsigyveno Harleme apie 1585 m. Tapyti jį išmokė vyresnysis brolis Jacobas Savery (apie 1565 m.). – 1603) ir Hansas Bolas.