St. Mark’s in the Bowery (1910)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Title: St. Mark’s in the Bowery, 1910 by Childe HassamIn this exquisite painting by Childe Hassam, titled "St. Mark’s in the Bowery (1910)," we are transported to an early 20th-century view of one of New York City's historic sites. The painting captures the serene ambiance surrounding St. Mark’s Church, situated in the bustling neighborhood of the Bowery.Hassam’s use of light and color brings this scene vibrantly to life. The church steeple rises elegantly above lush green trees, bathed in a soft glow that suggests either the early hours of the morning or the gentle decline of late afternoon. The sky, a masterful blend of blues and soft pinks, hosts a scattering of gentle clouds, suggesting a calm day.In the foreground, the everyday life of the Bowery unfolds. Figures, possibly local residents or visitors, are depicted in a blurred, almost ethereal manner, walking leisurely or engaged in quiet conversation. The inclusion of a horse-drawn carriage adds a touch of historical charm, anchoring the scene in its specific time period.Childe Hassam, known for his impressionistic approach, uses swift brush strokes to create a sense of movement and liveliness. Despite the bustling environment, there is a peaceful harmony in the composition, reflecting perhaps the artist's fondness or reverence for this iconic locale.This painting not only offers a visual delight but also serves as a historical snapshot, capturing the essence of St. Mark’s and its surroundings at the beginning of the 20th century. A timeless piece, "St. Mark’s in the Bowery" invites viewers to ponder the enduring beauty of New York City’s landscapes and landmarks.


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Frederickas Childe'as Hassamas (1859 m. spalio 17 d. - 1935 m. rugpjūčio 27 d.) buvo amerikiečių tapytojas impresionistas, pasižymėjęs miesto ir pakrantės scenomis. Kartu su Mary Cassatt ir John Henry Twachtmanu Hassamas prisidėjo prie impresionizmo propagavimo Amerikos kolekcininkams, prekiautojams ir muziejams.