At the Harbour of Palma de Mallorca (1916)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"At the Harbour of Palma de Mallorca" is an evocative painting by Ernst Schiess, crafted in 1916. The artwork captures a serene moment at the bustling harbor of Palma de Mallorca, presenting a picturesque view that harmoniously blends human activity with the tranquil maritime environment.At the forefront, a lone figure stands on the quay, engaging in what appears to be fishing or managing a net, partially turned away from the viewer, suggesting a moment caught in passing. This figure, depicted in earthy tones, contrasts subtly with the deep blues of the expansive sea stretching into the horizon.The background illuminates the busy harbor with hints of architectural silhouettes, mirroring the golden hues of the distant cliff sides bathed in sunlight. This use of light not only highlights the Mediterranean vibrancy but also enhances the depth and perspective of the seascape.Ernst Schiess's mastery in handling color and texture comes alive in the reflective quality of the water, and the rough, impressionistic strokes that suggest movement and the ephemeral nature of daylight. The palette, primarily composed of blues and neutrals punctuated with dashes of warm tones, evokes a sense of calmness and the timeless allure of the sea.This painting stands as a testament to Schiess's ability to convey both the simplicity and the complexity of a moment, making "At the Harbour of Palma de Mallorca" a captivating piece that invites viewers to delve into the serene yet dynamic atmosphere of this coastal locale.


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Ernstas Schiessas (1840 m. rugsėjo 14 d. - 1915 m. rugsėjo 9 d.) - vokiečių inžinierius ir verslininkas. Jis buvo ilgametis Diuseldorfo miesto tarybos narys, Diuseldorfo prekybos rūmų pirmininkas ir Vokietijos staklininkų asociacijos (VDW) įkūrėjas.