
Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
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**Ernst Schiess' "Bathing" – A Glimpse into Serenity**In the captivating painting "Bathing" by Ernst Schiess, viewers are invited to step into a tranquil, almost secretive slice of nature. The artwork is characterized by its vibrant and broad brushstrokes that convey movement and life, central to Schiess' expressionistic style. Set within a lush, verdant landscape, the painting portrays two figures engaged in the simple, refreshing act of bathing.At the heart of this composition, the figures are depicted partially submerged in the cool embrace of a forest pool. The surrounding foliage, rich in shades of green, envelopes the scene, adding an element of privacy and intimacy. The foreground is skillfully crafted with strokes of green and blue, suggesting the presence of water, while the earthy tones imply the solid, grounding presence of the natural world.Schiess' skill in using color to evoke mood and atmosphere is particularly noticeable. The contrast between the warm, sun-kissed skin of the bathers and the cool, shadowy greens of the environment emphasizes the sensation of escape from the summer heat."Bathing" is not merely a visual experience; it is an invitation to contemplate the timeless human connection to nature and the universal need for moments of peace. This painting is a testament to Schiess' ability to capture moments of ordinary life and elevate them to something poetic and meaningful. Through "Bathing," we are reminded of the pure joy and serenity found in nature's embrace.


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Ernstas Schiessas (1840 m. rugsėjo 14 d. - 1915 m. rugsėjo 9 d.) - vokiečių inžinierius ir verslininkas. Jis buvo ilgametis Diuseldorfo miesto tarybos narys, Diuseldorfo prekybos rūmų pirmininkas ir Vokietijos staklininkų asociacijos (VDW) įkūrėjas.