Study of Ezekiel for ‘Frieze of Prophets’ (1890-1892)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
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**Study of Ezekiel for ‘Frieze of Prophets’, John Singer Sargent (1890-1892)**John Singer Sargent's "Study of Ezekiel for ‘Frieze of Prophets’" is a captivating artwork that highlights Sargent’s masterful draftsmanship and profound comprehension of human expression and drapery. This evocative study was part of his larger work, the ‘Frieze of Prophets’, which is inlaid in the Boston Public Library, depicting a host of biblical prophets lined in solemn assembly.The figure in this sketch, presumably the prophet Ezekiel, is enveloped in flowing robes that drape elegantly, capturing the weight and texture of the fabric in striking detail. The prophet's posture is introspective and somber, adding to the weightiness of the character Sargent intended to portray. The artwork is rendered primarily in charcoal, a medium well-loved for its flexibility and intensity, which Sargent manipulates with remarkable skill.The use of chiaroscuro— the strong contrasts between light and dark—enhances the three-dimensional form of Ezekiel, making the fabric folds and the hidden face intriguingly mysterious and deeply human. This piece serves not only as an exploration of form and fabric but also as an intimate peek into Sargent’s meticulous preparatory process for his larger compositions.This drawing invites viewers to step closer into the timeless narrative of the prophets and to appreciate the quiet power of Sargent’s artistry, a beauty found in the precision of his lines and the subtle gradations of shade. It is a poignant reminder of the depth and solemnity that characterized much of his work on biblical themes.


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Florencijoje amerikiečių emigrantų tėvų šeimoje gimęs Johnas Singeris Sargentas (1856–1925) laikomas pirmaujančiu Edvardo epochos portretų tapytoju Europoje. Jis įgijo išsilavinimą ir Accademia delle Belle Arti, ir Paryžiaus École des Beaux Arts. Būdamas Paryžiuje, vadovaujamas Emilio-Auguste'o Caroluso-Durano, portretisto ir freskos meistro, Sargentas išmoko tapyti tiesiai iš stebėjimo, prieš tai nebraižydamas eskizų. Sargentas sukūrė daugiau nei 2900 paveikslų, daugiausia portretų ir peizažų iš kelionių per Atlantą, Europą, Artimuosius Rytus ir Ameriką.