Ilex Wood. Majorca (1908)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


John Singer Sargent's "Ilex Wood, Majorca" (1908), is a vibrant and textured oil painting that transports viewers into the dense, leafy woodlands of Majorca. This artwork thrives on the interplay of light and shadow, capturing the dynamic foliage with energetic brush strokes. The painting predominantly features a rich palette of greens, from deep emeralds to bright lime, showcasing Sargent's mastery in depicting natural settings.The composition is animated by the sunlight that filters through the leaves, casting speckled patterns on the rocks below. The rocks, painted in a blend of earthy oranges and pale blues, provide a striking contrast to the verdant greens of the trees, enhancing the painting's depth and richness.Sargent's technique here is loose and impressionistic, focusing more on the overall effect of light and color than on precise detail. This approach invites viewers to lose themselves amidst the organic forms, perhaps feeling the cool shade and the quiet of the woodland scene. "Ilex Wood, Majorca" is a testament to Sargent's skill as one of the leading watercolorists of his time, capturing not just a visual but also the atmospheric essence of the landscape.


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Florencijoje amerikiečių emigrantų tėvų šeimoje gimęs Johnas Singeris Sargentas (1856–1925) laikomas pirmaujančiu Edvardo epochos portretų tapytoju Europoje. Jis įgijo išsilavinimą ir Accademia delle Belle Arti, ir Paryžiaus École des Beaux Arts. Būdamas Paryžiuje, vadovaujamas Emilio-Auguste'o Caroluso-Durano, portretisto ir freskos meistro, Sargentas išmoko tapyti tiesiai iš stebėjimo, prieš tai nebraižydamas eskizų. Sargentas sukūrė daugiau nei 2900 paveikslų, daugiausia portretų ir peizažų iš kelionių per Atlantą, Europą, Artimuosius Rytus ir Ameriką.