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**Discovering Egon Schiele's "Häuser in Krumau"**In the 1918 artwork titled "Häuser in Krumau" (Houses in Krumau), Egon Schiele captures a slice of urban life with his distinctive touch, manifesting in both style and emotion. This particular piece, which utilizes a minimalist approach primarily through pencil on paper, portrays a serene street scene in the town of Krumau, now known as Český Krumlov, located in the Czech Republic. Krumau was the birthplace of Schiele’s mother, and he was often drawn to this picturesque town for inspiration.The sketch shows a series of buildings with a sharp attention to architectural details and perspective. The distinctive contours and varying roof elevations are depicted with a simplicity that hints at both an underlying complexity and a serene quietude inherent in the town’s atmosphere. Notably, a humble horse-drawn cart is included at the bottom left of the sketch, adding a touch of everyday life to the scene and emphasizing the historical context of the period."Häuser in Krumau" is imbued with a sense of immediacy and intimacy—a hallmark of Schiele’s work. The modest use of detail does not capture just the physical attributes of the buildings but seems to convey the lived experiences within them, making this more than just a visual document but a resonant personal reflection.As you view this piece, take a moment to appreciate the quiet beauty and historical resonance encapsulated within Schiele’s lines—a testament to his ability to see beyond the surface and touch the essence of his subjects.


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