Self-Portrait with Striped Sleeves (1915)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


Egon Schiele's "Self-Portrait with Striped Sleeves" from 1915 is a fascinating artwork that vividly conveys the artist's introspective yet dramatic approach to self-representation. This expressive painting features Schiele with a startlingly direct gaze that engages the viewer, his large, wide eyes rimmed with bold red that hints at a deep emotional landscape. One arm is lifted with fingers splayed in a gesture that is both inviting and deflective, adding a dynamic tension to the composition.The painting’s striking use of color and form exemplifies Schiele's unique style. The artist's red hair stands in vibrant contrast to the subdued tones of his boldly patterned shirt, whose striped sleeves add a rhythmic texture to the piece. His hands and fingers are elongated and articulated with intense reds at the extremities, suggesting a high sensitivity or possibly even suffering—themes that are recurrent in much of his work.Rendered on a plain background, the focus is entirely on Schiele's figure, making his emotional state and physical expression the core of the work's impact. This self-portrait not only showcases Schiele’s skill as a draftsman but also his unflinching willingness to explore and depict his own vulnerabilities and internal life. Thus, this painting not only draws the viewer's eye by its vivid details and striking use of colors but also invites an emotional and psychological engagement with the artist himself.


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XX a. pr. austrų tapytojas, piešėjas, grafikas. Ekspresionizmo meno srovės atstovas. Jo kūryba pasižymi intensyvumu ir neapdorotu seksualumu. Menininkas yra sukūręs daugyvę autoportretų.