Svajonių sala

Technique: Giclée quality print
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** Dive into the enchanting and whimsical world of "Svajonių Sala" (Island of Dreams), a captivating painting by the acclaimed Lithuanian artist Remigijus Januškevičius. This visually stunning work embodies the essence of fantasy and child-like wonder, inviting viewers to escape into a serene and magical reality.At the heart of the painting is a lush, sprawling tree adorned with countless green leaves that seem to shimmer in the light. The tree functions as a central hub of activity, with various whimsical characters engaged in peaceful pursuits. Several cosy nests are perched among the branches, each a unique haven where figures partake in reading, playing music, or simply enjoying the tranquil surroundings.The scene around the tree unfolds with joyful festivity. Characters of different ages and attire are seen celebrating amidst floating balloons that add pops of lavender and pink to the soft pastels of the landscape. Below, the land is dotted with quaint, storybook-like houses, alongside which people gather in a festive atmosphere.Adding to this dreamy setting are small boats that gently float on a calm river, conveying more merry-makers in elaborate, traditional costumes. One particularly remarkable boat, shaped like a swan, draws the eye with its elegant design and the lively group aboard."Svajonių Sala" is not just a painting; it is a portal to a dreamlike world where joy and beauty reign supreme.


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The painting of the artist - truly thorough and unique.

His works bring us into a fantasy world that impresses with its thorough details and figures, unusual scenes of ideas, warm coloring. Each of his pictures - like a new tale.

Works created using author techinque allows to highlight the smallest details and to create a vibrant, flickering and dreamy atmosphere which enchants and don't let to forget your dreams.

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