composition (around 1932)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

Explore the vibrant dimensions and bold geometry of Otto Freundlich’s abstract painting, "Composition" (around 1932). The artwork encapsulates the essence of early 20th-century European abstraction, characterized by dynamic asymmetry and a profound exploration of color relationships. In this piece, Freundlich crafts a stunning visual rhythm through the interplay of bold, angular shapes and a rich palette of blues, red, yellow, and brown.Freundlich’s "Composition" immerses viewers in a spatial investigation, where each colored form seems to float yet firmly anchor within the canvas’ bounds. The juxtaposition of cool blues with the warmth of yellow and red highlights creates a striking contrast, drawing the eye across a meticulously balanced composition. This painting is not merely an arrangement of shapes, but an act of balancing visual tension and harmony, evoking a sense of movement and depth.This piece is an exemplary showcase of Freundlich’s contributions to abstract art, demonstrating his commitment to form and color as instruments of expression and universal communication.


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Otto Freundlich was a German painter and sculptor of Jewish origin. A part of the first generation of abstract painters in Western art, Freundlich was a great admirer of cubism.

Freundlich was born in Stolp, Province of Pomerania, Prussia. His mother was a first cousin of the writer Samuel Lublinski. Otto studied dentistry before deciding to become an artist.