composition (1932)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Composition (1932)" by Otto Freundlich is a captivating exploration of abstraction that harmoniously blends shape and color. In this painting, geometric forms and sharp angles coalesce into a dynamic and rhythmical mosaic, suggestive of both movement and depth. Freundlich utilizes a primarily cool palette, punctuated by bold patches of red and serene whites, creating both contrast and cohesion within the piece.The interplay of shadow and light through varying tones suggests a three-dimensional space, inviting viewers to delve deeper into the composition. The arrangement of colors and shapes may evoke different images and emotional responses, testament to Freundlich's mastery in abstract expression.Otto Freundlich’s work, known for its ideological commitment to social and philosophical ideals, exemplifies the spirit of abstract art seeking to transcend traditional forms and represent ideas beyond the physical world. In "Composition (1932)," we witness an encapsulation of this vision, where art serves as a universal language that speaks to structural harmony and the endless possibilities of perception.


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Otto Freundlich was a German painter and sculptor of Jewish origin. A part of the first generation of abstract painters in Western art, Freundlich was a great admirer of cubism.

Freundlich was born in Stolp, Province of Pomerania, Prussia. His mother was a first cousin of the writer Samuel Lublinski. Otto studied dentistry before deciding to become an artist.