
Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Rotwildjagd" by Josef Schmitzberger captures a poignant moment in nature and human activity intertwined. This richly detailed painting depicts a deer hunt in a lush, verdant forest. In the foreground, a stag is portrayed in mid-collapse, its form tense and dynamic, signaling the crucial, albeit tragic climax of the hunt. The deer's expressiveness and the tension in its pose convey the raw emotion of the scene.Further back in the composition, the calm yet vivid forest landscape is depicted with soft, diffused lighting that seems to echo the quiet yet dramatic moment of the hunt. A horse-drawn cart carrying hunters recedes into the mist, subtly illustrating the human element without overpowering the natural beauty and tranquility of the setting.The contrast between the serenity of the environment and the violent interruption caused by the hunt raises themes of conflict between man and nature. Schmitzberger's use of light, detailed brushstrokes, and color palette enhances the visual and emotional depth of the painting, inviting viewers to reflect on the timeless and often controversial act of hunting within the splendid isolation of nature.


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The animal painter, Josef Schmitzberger was born in Munich as the son of an engraver of gemstones and received his training at the school of the Kunstgewerbeverein (association of arts and crafts) as well as the Munich Academy. His main subjects were wild animals in their natural surroundings, cats and dogs, and hunting.