Les joueurs de jacquet backgammon

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Les joueurs de jacquet (Backgammon Players)" by Jean Béraud offers a vivid glimpse into a casual yet intriguing moment in a Parisian café during the Belle Époque era. In this painting, Béraud captures three individuals deeply engrossed in their respective activities. Two men are engaged in a game of backgammon, a popular pastime in 19th-century France. Each player's demeanor and expression reflect the tension and concentration of the game. One of the men, dressed in darker attire and a bowler hat, leans forward to make his move, while the other, sporting a fedora and a mustache, observes intensely.Completing this tableau is a young woman seated apart from the game, her striking green hat and blue feather adding a pop of color against the darker, muted tones of the café's interior. She sits with a somewhat detached air, her gaze directed away from the game, possibly lost in her own thoughts or merely observing the café's ambiance. Her presence adds a layer of complexity and narrative depth to the scene.The setting, lit by warm, subdued lighting, helps create a cozy, almost intimate atmosphere, emphasizing the indoor leisure activities of the era. Béraud's attention to detail in the textures of the wood paneling, the glassware on the table, and the reflections on the surfaces adds a realistic touch, making the viewer feel as if they are peering into a real moment in time.Jean Béraud, known for his realistic portrayals of Parisian life, once again invites us to reflect on the social and cultural context of his time through "Les joueurs de jacquet.


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Jean Béraud was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society. Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.