Jachtfazant (1759 - 1842)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Discover the vivid artistry of Pieter Pietersz. Barbiers in his detailed painting titled "Jachtfazant" crafted between 1759 and 1842. Through this piece, Barbiers stunningly captures a male pheasant, showcased in its full glory, roosted upon a rugged branch. The painting's allure lies in its finesse and the lifelike portrayal of the bird’s vibrant and textured plumage—which ranges from intense grey tones to hints of mesmerizing blue and purple—highlighting the artist’s mastery over color and detail.The bird’s eyes, marked by a piercing red, contrast dramatically with the subtlety of its feathers, inviting the viewer to appreciate the nuanced interplay of color and form. The meticulous rendering of the branch under the pheasant’s claws further accentuates the naturalistic style definitive of Barbiers' works, offering a glimpse into the serene yet wild beauty of nature.This artwork not only exemplifies Barbiers' skill in ornithological illustration but also evokes the tranquility and complexity of the natural world, making it a captivating piece for both art enthusiasts and ornithologists alike.


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Pieter Pietersz Barbiers (also Pieter Barbiers Pzn., or Pieter Barbiers II) was a 19th-century painter from the Northern Netherlands.