Grey Shanghae (1867)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Introducing "Grey Shanghae," a unique and captivating work of art by the renowned 19th-century British illustrator and artist, Harrison Weir. This painting meticulously captures a pair of Shanghae chickens, also known as Shanghai or Cochin chickens, a breed originally from China that became popular in the West for their size and beauty.The composition presents a regal rooster and a poised hen, both characterized by their robust and fluffy feathering which is meticulously rendered in shades of grey, tan, and white. The rooster stands prominently, displaying a vibrant red comb and wattles, which vividly contrast with the soft, pastel backdrop and grounding earth tones of their immediate environment. This provides a spotlight effect that draws the viewer's focus immediately to the birds.Weir's choice of color and detailed brushwork emphasize the texture and volume of the chickens' plumage, showcasing his skill in illustrating animals with accuracy and life-like vibrancy. The subtle detailing in the background hints at a serene, rural setting, providing context and inviting viewers to imagine these majestic birds in their natural habitat.As an artist known for his contributions to animal illustrations in various publications, Harrison Weir brings not just technical skill, but also a deep appreciation for his subjects to "Grey Shanghae." This painting is not only an artistic expression but also a historical reflection of the fascination with exotic poultry breeds in Victorian England.


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Harrison William Weir (5 May 1824 – 3 January 1906), known as "The Father of the Cat Fancy", was a British artist.

He organised the first cat show in England, at the Crystal Palace, London, in July 1871. He and his brother, John Jenner Weir, both served as judges in the show. In 1887 Harrison Weir founded the National Cat Club and was its first President and Show Manager until his resignation in 1890.