A View of Maria Loretto on Lake Wörthersee

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"A View of Maria Loretto on Lake Wörthersee" is an evocative painting by the celebrated 19th-century Austrian artist Markus Pernhart. This landscape captures the serene beauty of Lake Wörthersee, located in the southern Austrian state of Carinthia, with a masterful interplay of light and color that creates a vivid yet peaceful scenery.The foreground of the painting features the Maria Loretto peninsula, distinguished by a small chapel and castle that rest gently along the lakeshore. These structures are bathed in a soft, welcoming light, reflecting serenely on the lake’s smooth surface. The middle ground is layered with lush, rolling hills that lead the viewer’s eye toward the majestic alpine mountains dominating the background. Pernhart masterfully captures the rugged peaks, draped in snow and glowing with a rosy hue from the sun’s caressing light.This painting not only showcases Pernhart's skill in depicting natural landscapes but also evokes a sense of tranquility and awe. The meticulous detail within the brushstrokes and the harmonious blend of natural hues highlight the artist’s dedication to capturing the essence of Carinthian landscapes.


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Markus Pernhart was an Austrian painter who rose to prominence for his depictions of Carinthia.

Born 1824 as the son of a carpenter in what is today Untermieger, he was instructed in painting by Eduard Ritter von Moro and Franz Steinfeld. He also expanded his artistic horizon while studying at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. Throughout his life he remained dedicated to the genre of landscape painting in all its manifold variations. Braving wind and weather, he spent endless hours hunkered outdoors to produce his realist paintings.

Pernhart died 1871 at the age of 46 in St. Ruprecht, near Klagenfurt, where he was also laid to rest.