A State Yacht and Other Craft in Calm Water (ca. 1660)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Discover the tranquil beauty of "A State Yacht and Other Craft in Calm Water," a masterful oil painting by the Dutch Golden Age artist Jan van de Cappelle, dated around 1660. Known for his skill in rendering seascapes, van de Cappelle presents a serene tableau of maritime elegance.The painting features a collection of boats and ships gently floating on placid waters. At the center of this composed marine scene, a state yacht, distinguished by its elaborate decoration and raised flag, sits gracefully. Surrounded by various other vessels, including smaller sailing boats and rowboats, the details of each craft are meticulously captured, showcasing van de Cappelle’s attention to the nuances of light and reflection on the calm water.The atmosphere is one of quietude and order, complemented by a soft, expansive sky with subtle gradations of color that suggest the early hours of the day or the calming approach of dusk. Accompanying this calming seascape are several figures, depicted in motionless activity, enhancing the overall sense of peace and stability that the painting emanates.Perfect for those who appreciate maritime art and the tranquil allure of still waters, Jan van de Cappelle's work is a testament to the captivating beauty of the Dutch maritime landscape. This painting not only reflects the artist's technical prowess but also his ability to capture the reflective quality of water and the serene mood of a day at sea.


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Jan van de Cappelle was a Dutch Golden Age painter of seascapes and winter landscapes, also notable as an industrialist and art collector. He is "now considered the outstanding marine painter of 17th century Holland". He lived all his life in Amsterdam, and as well as working as an artist spent much, or most, of his time helping to manage his father Franchoy's large dyeworks, which specialized in the expensive dye carmine, and which he eventually inherited in 1674.