Pieds d’alouette et raisins blancs (1876)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Victoria Fantin-Latour presents an exquisite still-life painting, aptly titled "Pieds d’alouette et raisins blancs" from 1876, showcasing a remarkable combination of floral beauty and fruit splendor. This piece captures a tall, lush bouquet of "Pieds d’alouette," known in English as larkspur, which features densely packed spires of blooms ranging in color from deep pinks to delicate whites. This vibrant spectrum introduces a picturesque play of colors against the dark, subdued background, enhancing the visual impact of the flowers.Contrasting the vertical grace of the larkspurs, at the base of the composition, lies a casually placed basket tipped over, spilling out an abundance of white grapes. The grapes, illuminated subtly by an unseen light source, glisten as they escape their wicker confines, suggesting a sense of natural abundance and casual beauty.Fantin-Latour's artistry in detailing the textural differences between the soft, delicate petals of the larkspurs and the smooth, translucent skins of the grapes is evident. The painting not only celebrates the beauty of nature but also evokes a sense of quiet and contemplation through its serene composition and thoughtful arrangement.


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Victoria Dubourg or Victoria Fantin-Latour was a French still life painter.

Dubourg was born in Paris and studied under the artist Fanny Chéron. There she met the painter Henri Fantin-Latour, whom she married in 1876. She collaborated with him on his flower paintings, but also produced works under her own name, signed "V Dubourg". Dubourg has been criticized as an artist whose work lacks originality, simply reproducing the style of her well-known husband. However, a careful review of her early work shows that Dubourg began creating still lifes two years before she met Fantin-Latour.