Dessins et peintures d’Afrique pl 15 (1927)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Dessins et peintures d’Afrique pl 15" (1927) by Alexandre Jacovleff is an evocative portrait that skillfully captures both the physical and emotional essence of its subject. In this striking artwork, the artist focuses on a dignified male figure adorned with a traditional turban and a lightly draped garment. The subtle shading and the intense gaze of the subject into the distance evoke a sense of introspective solemnity. Jacovleff’s mastery in handling the charcoal medium shows in the detailed rendering of textures, from the smooth folds of the cloth to the gentle creases of the skin.Jacovleff was known for his explorations in art across various cultures, often reflecting his interest in the human face and form through his portraits. This piece from his series on Africa showcases his delicate balance in portraying cultural authenticity and the inner life of his subjects. The restraint in his palette - using a predominantly monochrome color scheme - draws attention to the subject’s expression and attire, subtly highlighting the man’s strong features and thoughtful expression.The artwork not only serves as a visual representation of African traditional attire but also inspires consideration of the individual stories and lives behind the figure portrayed.


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Alexandre Yevgenievich Jacovleff (25 June 1887 – 12 May 1938) was a neoclassicist painter, draughtsman, designer and etcher.