Head Of A Model

Technique: Giclée quality print
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John William Waterhouse's painting, *Head of a Model*, is a striking example of the artist’s fluid brushwork and his ability to capture the subtlety of human expressions. This painting shows the profile view of a young woman’s head, turned slightly away from the viewer, emphasizing her delicate features and pensive expression. Her brown hair delicately frames her face, contributing to the overall softness of the composition.Waterhouse’s skill in handling light is evident in how it gently graces the model's face, highlighting her thoughtful expression while leaving other features gently obscured, creating a sense of depth and introspection. The neutral and lightly textured background ensures that our focus remains solely on her.The most striking element, however, is the vibrant splash of red—the flowers pinned near her collar, which add a dash of colour to an otherwise subdued palette. This touch not only draws the eye but also adds a layer of meaning, perhaps hinting at the model's personality or emotional state.*Head of a Model* by John William Waterhouse invites viewers to pause and reflect, not just on the beauty of the model but also on the emotion and tranquility captured in this brief moment.


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John William Waterhouse was an English painter known for working first in the Academic style and for then embracing the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's style and subject matter. His artworks were known for their depictions of women from both ancient Greek mythology and Arthurian legend.